Classical Greece Questions

1. Define.
Mycenaean- This is what some of the people who settled on mainland Greece in 200 B.C. were called.
Trojan war- The Trojan war was fought around 1200 B.C. when an army led by Mycenaean kings attacked the city of Troy in Anatolia.
Dorian- These were Greek speaking people who migrated to mainland Greece after the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization.
epic- a long poem celebrating the deeds of legendary or traditional heroes.
myth- a traditional story about ancestors or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society.

3. Since the sea was so near, it became easy to trade across it and since Greece lacked some resources like metals, they got it from other places through this trade route.

4. The Mycenaeans adapted the writing of the Minoans into their own language.

5. the epics were important to the Greeks during the Dorian period because since they did not have a writing system yet, in order to gain knowledge, they needed the stories from the past.


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