
In class we watched a video about Plato's Allegory of the Cave. This is very interesting to learn about and its cool to see how it actually has a deeper meaning then the story actually tells. It talks about how people have perspectives of certain things in life or just life in general, the aren't 100% real or agent as good as they may seem. We get these perspectives from thing like social media or photographs and stories. The allegory of the cave describes how these people in chained up I na cave and that's how they thought life was. They saw shadows of animals and other things, but since they didn't know anything else outside of the cave, when someone finally got out into the real world, it was al so different. The video really cleared up what the story was about more than what we read earlier in the week and it really makes you stop and think about he real meaning and how much the story relates to our lives right now.

My blog was saved as a draft so I just published it.


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