
Showing posts from February, 2020


We took the test on part one of Ancient Greece. I studied for this test with a quilt and I think the I did fairly well for the amount that I studied. All of the questions were similar to the pop quiz which I also did pretty well on. The only question I did not know was what Is my own opinion on the answer to the Homeric Question. I completely forgot what the Homeric question said so I definitely should've studied that a little more. Overall,  think I did pretty well and I'm hoping for an A so my grade bumps up to an A.


Today we started and went over the pop quiz that we had last week. We also found out that we have a test on Thursday on the first part of Greece. Ive liked learning about Greece, there are many cool stories and it is just an interesting place to learn about because of all of the history. We went over the powerpoint today and we spent a while talking about this podcast that Mr. Schick was listening to in the car today. It was basically about hip all of these super wealthy companies and businesses haven't really cared about the environment and all of the climate change utill it comes down to losing they're money or their business. it shows how much people only care about all of the money they have and how these wealthy people are what are going to change the environment, but necessarily for the reason nof that they care about it.


 Today we went through more of the powerpoint on Greece. We talked a lot about the size of Greece again and things like Alexander The Great and how he conquered places all the way to India, diffusing parts of their culture to all these new places. (cultural diffusion). We had class last today, and I had tryouts after school so during class my mind was all over the place, but I was still paying attention during most of it. By the end, we talked about The Oddessey, which Mr. Schick also brought out the book, and told us a story and then read some of it to us. It seems like an interesting book.


In class today, we talked a lot about philosophy and this painting of a pipe with the words, in French, "This is not a pipe." I didn't really understand what it meant or why in the world we were looking at that picture or what it meant for most of the class. We talked about how it relates to the Allegory of the cave and how things, like the painting can be perceived differently, like how the "not a pipe" was a painting of a picot of a pipe. You could keep going on and on about how it's a picture of painting of a pipe or a picture of a picture, so on. After we talked for like more than half the class on that, we got into the powerpoint on Greece. I actually am really liking this class, and this seems to be something that I good at, I like learning about  different places like Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece.


In class we watched a video about Plato's Allegory of the Cave. This is very interesting to learn about and its cool to see how it actually has a deeper meaning then the story actually tells. It talks about how people have perspectives of certain things in life or just life in general, the aren't 100% real or agent as good as they may seem. We get these perspectives from thing like social media or photographs and stories. The allegory of the cave describes how these people in chained up I na cave and that's how they thought life was. They saw shadows of animals and other things, but since they didn't know anything else outside of the cave, when someone finally got out into the real world, it was al so different. The video really cleared up what the story was about more than what we read earlier in the week and it really makes you stop and think about he real meaning and how much the story relates to our lives right now. My blog was saved as a draft so I just publish...

Classical Greece Questions

1. Define. Mycenaean- This is what some of the people who settled on mainland Greece in 200 B.C. were called. Trojan war- The Trojan war was fought around 1200 B.C. when an army led by Mycenaean kings attacked the city of Troy in Anatolia. Dorian- These were Greek speaking people who migrated to mainland Greece after the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization. Homer-  epic- a long poem celebrating the deeds of legendary or traditional heroes. myth- a traditional story about ancestors or heroes, told to explain the natural world or the customs and beliefs of a society. 3. Since the sea was so near, it became easy to trade across it and since Greece lacked some resources like metals, they got it from other places through this trade route. 4. The Mycenaeans adapted the writing of the Minoans into their own language. 5. the epics were important to the Greeks during the Dorian period because since they did not have a writing system yet, in order to gain knowledge, they n...

quiz day

We took a quiz today and im not sure how I feel about it, it wasn't terribly hard but I know I definitely got some wrong. Other than the quiz, we read chapter 5 about Classical Greece and took notes. Apparently we are working with Greece for a long time. I definitely could've studies a little bit more then I did for this quiz considering I didn't know some of the answers to the questions, but we will see what I got and lets hope I can follow up the last quiz and get a really good grade so my grade in the class can stay at an A.


We have a quiz tomorrow on Egypt and I am gonna make sure. study agin so I can get an A. We reviewed in class and went over what things were like a delta and Upper and lower Egypt. We also watched a video of mummification and it was about how they mummify a dead body and how their bones and skin are still in tact after thousands of years. I thought this was very cool because the process looks so interesting and the fact that the body is still somewhat in tact after so long.

Pop Quizz

We had a pop quiz today. I wasn't I class on Friday so I didn't get to take any notes on Egypt but to be honest the quiz wasn't that hard, I only got one wrong so that's not too bad but I'm bummed because that brigs the quiz grade down to a B. We are reviewing tomorrow in class for a quiz on Egypt on Thursday, which I hope I will do ok on like did on Mesopotamia. As of now, I have an A in this class which I am very proud of and I hope I keep it up all semester.