
Showing posts from January, 2020


I was not in class today because I was sick.


Today we finished reading and taking notes on Egypt. Yesterdays quiz wasn't that bad and Mr. Schick is grading them now so I really want to know what I got on it. I am so tired and out of it again today and so many people are out sick and I really hope I am not getting sick. Its dress down day so I am comfortable which is good and we get donuts in advisory so im just waiting for that. So far, what were learning in  Western Civ I remember from middle school and so I already have some prior knowledge, which I hope will lead on to a great second semester.


We took a test today on Mesopotamia and it wasn't that hard. It was only 20 questions, and to be honest that chapter wasn't hard to understand. Im not sure if I got one of he questions right but we will see I guess. We also started reading about the Egyptians today, which remember learning about in 7th grade, so I feel like this chapter won't be hard either. The reading focused on the Nile river for a lot of it, and I remember so much about Egypt and the Nile river. Taking notes while reading really isn't my favorite thing to do but i'm gonna have to get through it and get better at it since that is what school is going to always be like.

January 23rd

Today was our second western civ class and we started class by finishing the reading from Tuesday so we could go through more notes on the powerpoint. To be honest, I don't hate taking notes, but it is definitely NOT my favorite thing to do, especially when you have to take them as your reading. I have made a goal to actually do EVERY blog this semester since last semester for Human Geo, my grade could've been better if I would've just done all of my blogs. I really am going to try and do my blogs and make sure I study hard for tests because I want to get at least a B for this class this semester.

1st Day of Western Civ

What were the 3 environmental challenges to Sumerians? 1. unpredictable flooding combined with a period of little to no rain caused the land to at some points be nearly a desert 2. with no natural barriers for protection, a Sumerian village was nearly defenseless 3. the natural resources of Sumer were limited. Building materials and other necessary materials were scarce